Re: shapes and anchors


I found a "visio" like shape here

Those icons were created by Jean Cartier: (give credit where credit is due ;)

I already initiated a discussion about including those icons in Dia in
July 2008, but after some time, the thread died.

What got out of it is that the icons are really nice, that everybody
was willing to have them in Dia, but that they first needed some work:
- some icons are small in the middle of a huge empty space => need to
crop them to the size of the icon
- some icons have incorrect outlines, meaning that some lines do not cross well

This represents a large amount of work, so if you would like to do it,
grab your inkscape and go :)
(the thread was called "About Dia shapes")



Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~Benjamin Franklin

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