Re: Set default font size for everything

At 21.12.2009 04:04, Jason Heeris wrote:

I'm using Dia 0.97 under Debian Squeeze. I use the flowchart template
sheet a lot, and I know that I can change the default font size for a
single flowchart template by double clicking on the box for that
template. But is there a way to set the default font size for every
single thing that uses text?
Not really. Theoretically there is attributes_get_default_font() to achieve this programatically, but there are not many object implementations actually using it.

But there is no GUI to switch this default font. And the Dia property system has no concept of cascading styles, so the global default does not get used when object specific defaults are active.

Or do I need to set the default size for
every template (and so on for every sheet of templates...)?

You may try to compile your own Dia version after modifying lib/atrributes.c accordingly (and deleting your ~/.dia/defaults.dia)

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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