Re: the UML ClassDialog v/s the generic Dia properties dialog

At 19.11.2008 17:04, Sameer Sahasrabuddhe wrote:

It seems the UMLClass is the only DiaObject that has its own special
dialog. The confusion here is that the UMLClassDialog deals with the
/content/ of the UML Class, and not its "properties" that are relevant
in the context of Dia. Take a look at the dialog that is presented
when a UML Class is double-clicked. Of all the things available on the
dialog, only three things are relevant to Dia, the diagram app:

Text Color
Foreground Color
Background Color

As Lars already mentioned this an arbitrary split. At least everything on the Style page is relevant (e.g. all these font sizes). But the same kind of "content" is available with many other objects (e.g. all the flow chart text). And as I said the split looks quite arbitrary.

The rest is just UML content, and rightfully deserves its own separate
dialog. Making it separate also removes a lot of problems with various
property-related functions. Note that an analogy can be made with the
Flowchart Box. Double-clicking the box provides a dialog where you can
modify various properties of the box, except one: the contents of the
box! There is a separate interface for doing this, which is by
clicking in the box and directly editing the text present.

I think the correct to do with the UML Class dialog is to give it a
separate interface:
1) An "Edit" option in the context menu, that invokes the dialog.

I don't think so, but maybe I still haven't understood what you want to accomplish with this split.

2) umlclass_apply_props_from_dialog() should be removed from the
vtable for the UMLClass object. It should be renamed as a callback for
the class dialog. The vtable should instead have a generic function
like other objects.

3) The three properties mentioned above should be editable from the
UMLClass dialog as well as the generic property_dialog used by the
rest of Dia.

If the thing you want to address is the "multiple selection change" you may want to take a look at PROP_FLAG_DONT_MERGE ...


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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