Hello there, I'm new to Dia (using Dia for Windows 0.96.1) and have created some UML-Class-Diagrams. So far it worked perfect. But now I wanted to export the Diagram to include it into TeX, so i think EPS would be best. But all I get is chopped output. This also happend when exporting it to SVG (after opening the result with Inkscape there is only garbage). And for all other vector-formats I tried (wmf, ps, pdf, dxf), and, as far as I can see, also when using "Tex Pstrick Macros" (but I'm also new to TeX so maybe I imported that file wrong). I also tried to print it to PDF (using Acrobat 8 Prof) and to real printer, this leads to a nearly usable result, but still there are problems like underlining where there is no text and to small fonts. The only way to export it correctly with sufficient quality I found up to now is PNG, but this, well, mmmh, bitmap-format... But it looks like it should and like it does in Dia. I have created (and attached) a small example drawing and exported it to PNG, EPS, SVG and "printed" it using Acrobat so you can see what I mean. Is there anything I can do to get "correct" EPS-Files? Thanks a lot! Thomas Reischl --------------------------- Dipl.-W.Ing. Thomas Reischl Bruch 2 - D-83404 Ainring skype: reischltom Thomas Reischl gmx de ---------------------------
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