dia file format (corrected)

Sorry I missed a few words in my earlier mail.

I forgot to say that I am trying to use dia under xp (which is working) and trying to use pydiadoc which is not working because it cant import dia

Earlier mail:
Date: Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 8:57 PM
Subject: dia file format
To: dia-list gnome org

I have two questions:

1. I am trying to use dia under windows xp. How do I do that?  When I try to run the python script it says cant import dia.
The reason I want to play around with it is the 2nd q...

2. I am working on a language that is distantly related to C++ but with quite different syntax.  I am trying to figure out what would be required to dump out and in what format so that dia could render it.  Any tips/pointers would be appreciated



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