
I downloaded your tool and find it very interesting for me, but there is no sample files, described in 
documentation in archive, and understanding your tool is more harder than can be. Can i get a lot of .dia 
samples, illustrates your technology?

-----Original Message-----
From: Damien Golding <damiengolding hotmail com>
To: Александр Мартынов <amart mail ru>,<dia-list gnome org>
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 13:32:39 +0000
Subject: RE: Need some features into UML diagrams


I wrote a similar tool some time ago (http://sourceforge.net/projects/dia2fsm/) called dia2fsm, please feel 
free to look through the source if an idea of my own approach is helpful and ask me any questions you wish. 
It's not the most up to date source, but the dia file parser has not changed much.

I concur that the shapes are not ideally provisioned in their attributes for this sort of operation, but I 
also feel that our needs in this respect are very much secondary to the main objective of providing an 
outstanding diagramming tool.

Careful choice and use of the available shapes does provide, in my view, an adequate if slightly 
incongruous choice of attributes to use to store the detail we need.

Kind regards
Damien Golding

From: amart mail ru
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Need some features into UML diagrams
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 17:17:02 +0400

 I want to develop some tool for code generation based on UML, and I decide to use dia diagrams as source 
for this tool.
My tool will generate finite state machine code, and I use "UML - State", "UML - State Term", "UML - 
Transition" entities on Dia diagrams. It is not enough features in this entities. Such, I can't make the 
"inner" transition - when normal transition occurs, the entry/exit actions of states are executed, and 
transition action executed too. When inner transition occurs, only the "do action" of state executed, and 
inner transition action executed too. There is no primitive/entity for this pirpose.

 Next, I want to use the submachines - compound/complex states. There is no primitive/entity for this 
pirpose also.
 Now, my solution for that is to add some metainfo into UML object attributes, but it is not a good idea. 
Can anobody take more pretty solution?
 Next point is about object style/behavior. Object "State" (or another) has 8 connection points - 4 at 
corners and 4 at edges. It is not enough when making big statechart diagram, the in/out transitions makes 
unpretty non-understandable view.
 Next point is about custom properties. This feature in any (may be simple/primitive) form can help me 
with probles, descibed above, but there is no such feature.
 Next point is about UML, I think. I need to place some small portions of code or other custom staff into 
diagram for more complexity definition of state machine in one place. I use UML Note and UML dependency 
arrow to link note for states/transitions. Is there more pretty solution for this?

 Thank you for reading my message. Is there any plans to implement such features as above? I read roadmap 
trough 0.96 to 1.0 version, but not found anything like this.

 I use I think the last version of Dia - 0.96.1. Thank you for your work.
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С уважением, Александр Мартынов.

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