Re: Shapes

Steffen Macke wrote:

* Send the shapes directly (in addition to the list).
* Attach them to a bugzilla entry
* Include sample diagram in Dia format

I forgot the most important point: State your licensing terms (As Dia
and the "other" shapes are GPL, I would prefer to use the GPL)..

So a zip or tarball containing sheet, shapes, example diagram in *.dia format
and the GPL COPYING file should speed up the process of including your shapes
in the Dia Shape Repository.


thank you for your answer. I have added COPYING to the FTP directory, all is under GPL. I would add it to the archives as well, but that brings another question:

What should be the structure and packaging of distributed shape archives? I am these days tinkering with a tool to install resources (images, clipart, fonts, etc...) from repositories and found out how much is uniformness important for this kind of a tool :).

The "problem" with adding a screenshot and an example diagram to a shape archive is that I expect some users to install the archive from my FTP and that would mean those files get saved to user's ~/.dia as well, as I suspect that users regard shape archives as packages instead of just random collections of files (at least I more or less do).

IMO it would be beneficial to formally define correct shape archive and add it to the docs for creating new shapes.

For example:
 - the format is zip containing:

Just tell me whether I should add COPYING and other files directly to the archives at

Jarda Benkovsky

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