Re: Make default Page Setup?

I tried saving in //Dia /xslt as Diagram1.dia with the Page Setup I prefer, but it had no effect.  The initial setup for a new drawing comes from somewhere else.  However, if I File/Open (rather than File/New) the Diagram1.dia it has the page setup that I saved.  I suppose that is what I will do from now on.

On 9/14/07, Mark Dexter < dextercowley gmail com> wrote:
I have the same issue. I'm running Windows XP, version .96.1. Once I have a diagram file, it remembers the settings for this file. But setting the File / Preferences / Diagram Defaults Portrait or Paper type: (from the Toolbox Menu) doesn't create new diagrams with these settings. I don't know if there is already a bug report for this, or if it is limited to Windows. Since the Windows printing doesn't currently work (you need to export to PNG to print properly), this has not been an issue for me. Mark Dexter

On 9/14/07, Michael Ross < michael e ross gmail com> wrote:

I can't figure out how to get changes to the Page Setup to persist so that when I start a new diagram it has those settings.  Mine new diagrams always comes up A4 Portrait Scale:100.  I would like Letter Landscape Scale:37.

Any ideas?


Michael Ross
Cycling in Central North Carolina
Schwinn Voyageur 11.8
Linear LWB, Greenspeed GTO, BikeE CT, AT

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Mark Dexter
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Michael Ross
Cycling in Central North Carolina
Schwinn Voyageur 11.8
Linear LWB, Greenspeed GTO, BikeE CT, AT

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