Re: dia svg export: how do adjust size?

On 10/2/07, Zhang Weiwu <zhangweiwu realss com> wrote:

After made a graph in dia 0.96.1, I export it to svg by "File -> Export
-> change extension name to .svg and click save".

When you changed the extension name to ".svg", did you also select the
option that says "Determine file type By Extension"?

Result file cannot be opened in firefox Error:
        This XML file does not appear to have any style information
associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

If you are running Linux, you can check the actual type of the file
using the "file" command.

Thanks! Note all of my 3 questions are probably bugs, let me know if I
should file them as bug please.

Snipped the rest of the issues mentioned since I am not knowledgeable
in that. Maybe some of these issues are already filed in related bugs.
A search on existing bugs might throw some light.

Research Scholar, Department of CSE, IIT Bombay

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