dia svg export: how do adjust size?

Dear all

After made a graph in dia 0.96.1, I export it to svg by "File -> Export
-> change extension name to .svg and click save".

Result file cannot be opened in firefox Error:
        This XML file does not appear to have any style information
associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

Then I export by repeating above operation while select "SVG Plain" as
export format, this time it works and created an SVG file open-able in
Firefox, but the graph is too big, and text is relatively bigger than
shapes, making many text in rectangles ends outside the rectangle.

I got 3 problem here:

   1. Why simply export by changing extension name doesn't work
      (resulted svg that doesn't work in Fx)? If it's not open-able in
      Fx people assume it's broken, then dia should by default use
      "Plain SVG" or whatever option that produce more compatible svg.
   2. Why text is relatively bigger?
   3. How can I reduce the size of exported svg? I have tried to find
      option for dpi (no such option) and I try to find option for
      exported svg size (no such option) and then I try to make the
      graph smaller (not possible, because after grouped all objects,
      the group is not resizeable).

Thanks! Note all of my 3 questions are probably bugs, let me know if I
should file them as bug please. Seriously, I consider proper export of
correct SVG is very important, DIA should have high quality control over
this particular part.

For sizing: user can reasonably expect exported svg image opens in
firefox the same size as in dia when zoom is 100%. While this might not
be easy as screen dpi may vary, at least it shouldn't be too far away
from user expectation. On a higher level of usability requirement, a
user might expect the diagram not exceeding the width of the screen
prints within the A4 page width (especially on XGA) unless a shape of A4
page is clearly placed as background, and even expect the same for svg
exported. This might not have to be satisfied but should be considered
at least.

For printing: just noticed user cannot select printer when printing in
dia. I hope this can be improved too:)

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