Re: Request to include your program on Open Source CD for University of Derby UK students

On 26 Feb 2007 at 9:24, Martin Boegelund wrote:

I don't see this as a discussion to change the license. As 
Matt states, it's just a question of management that doesn't 
"get" the GPL, so they send out people to ask if they can 
use this software.

Could just be unfamiliarity with the issue. A magazine publisher once 
asked me for advice about the GPL; I told him that as long as he 
distributed the lincese verbatim with the work, and as long as he 
included the source code with the software or provided it on request, 
he should be fine. Once he got that, the GPL seemed a lot less scary 
to him.

branko collin
collin xs4all nl

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