Re: How to move an object without attached objects moving along?

On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Lars Clausen wrote:

christian ridderstrom gmail com said:
I often connect lines to the connection points of say boxes. Normally when
you move the box, the end-point of a connect lines move withs the box.

Is there some way to move the box without having the end-point of the line
moving with the box?  Or is there some way to have all connected objecst
disconnect in one operation?

Btw, in MATLAB/Simulink, if you move an object by using the middle mouse
button, connected lines are not moved with the object. In Dia the middle
mouse button lets you scroll the diagram, so I guess that's not an option
here. But maybe holding down a key and moving an object could achieve

We're rapidly running out of keys to press in connection with moving. A "Disconnect all" menu item would be easy enough to make. In the interim, you can cut/paste the object:)

A menu item isn't to bad. Nor is the suggestion to cut/paste actually.

Should I file an enhancement request for "Disconnect all"?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44     

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