sql2dia for PostgreSQL


I've just tested and finished making PostgreSQL2dia.
To make it works you will need to have:
I wanted to contact the author, but the project seems to be dead or 
least on hold for a long time.

Anyway, to use it you will need to install a package called "DBD-PgPP". 
To do that you need to run (at least on my Perl installation):
ppm install DBD-pgPP

If you didn't used sql2dia before you will probably need to install some 
other packages like: "DBI", "Getopt-Mixed". I think there was something 
else too but you'll manage (if you'll get an error you will need install 

BTW, this script was the easiest to install on Windows. I installed 
perl-camelpack-5.8.7, installed the packages and run the script using 
something like:
c:\Perl\bin\perl pgsql2dia -d database_name -u user -p password

Best wishes,

Najcieplejsza komedia na zimę! 
ROZWAŻNI I ROMANTYCZNI. Klub Miłośników Jane Austen.
W kinach od 28 grudnia!

Attachment: pgsql2dia
Description: Binary data

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