Re: Can't get TeX math to work

I've been trying more things over the past few days, to no avail. With PGF, I get the exact same problem: the TeX is not being interpreted.

Inspecting the output .tex, I see that Dia is explicitly quoting the $ into \$. Why? How do I simply ask it to *not* do that?

IIRC from using Dia once many moons ago, I could somehow specify from within Dia whether I wanted a certain text object to be rendered as TeX. However, I can no longer find such options anywhere.

(The problem with MetaPost seems to be that I cannot leverage the macros, etc. that are available from my TeX files. But anyway I imagine that the output wouldn't be any different given the above.)


Rob McDonald rob.a.mcdonald-at-......... |dia| wrote:
I've had the best luck including Dia documents in LaTeX using the
MetaPost export capability.  Check the archives for a number of
discussions on how to get it to work well.  Searching for my name will
help, it is just about the only subject I pop in on.


On Dec 1, 2007 2:37 PM, Yang <qn10q6w02 sneakemail com> wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to use dia (0.96.1 on Ubuntu 7.10) to export to
pstricks/tex, but my text (which are just tex math like $x$) doesn't get
rendered as tex, and are shown literally as "$x$" in my resulting
document. I tried on a minimal tex file:


Also, my resulting figure is huge. I found on the archives that you can
use \resizebox, but does that also shrink the text/TeX?


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