Re: printing error

Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk> wrote:
On Wed, 2006-11-29 at 04:53 -0800, Fred J. wrote:
> Hi
> Dia 0.95 under FC5
> sometimes I am getting the following when trying to print.
> [fred localhost try]$ dia try_mul.dia
> String printer-command registered before loading persistence!
> String printer-file registered before loading persistence!
> Print dialog?
> nothing happens and no print out.
> what do I need to do to print this job.

The first two messages are not indicative of printing problems. The
third one I think was just a debugging statement. Is it a particular
diagram that won't print? Do you use the right printer command (i.e. if
you print to a file and then use the same command with the file as an
argument, does it print)?


it is a particular diagram that does not print, others do.
when selecting print ot file, it works but generating this file.

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