Re: Diagram or similar that shows all shapes?

On Tue, 2006-11-07 at 18:30 +0100, christian ridderstrom gmail com
On Fri, 3 Nov 2006, Lars Clausen wrote:

That file is mostly for internal use, to be able to see that the objects 
look ok after changes.  While all objects are there, in order, they have 
no explanations whatsoever.  But take a look -- it's probably way more 
objects than you want to have on a cheatsheet.

It certainly is way more than I'd like... it ends up being 36 pages.
Anyway, I thought I send it to you somehow, any preferences?

Mail it to me at lars raeder dk, not to the mailing list.  Did you end
up doing it manually?

One thing that really bugged me was that sometimes things didn't quite fit 
on a page, so a whole row or column of additional pages were added in the 
printout. It'd be really good if Dia could somehow show which pages 
actually have some content on them.

That's an interesting idea.  Have the content-less 'pages' greyed out or
something.  Only problem is, the pages are fully virtual, just lines on
the canvas.  Figuring out which pages are empty would require running a
non-trivial amount of code -- though it could be made to work.

In addition, I frequently used the File->Page setup menu to find out how 
many pages Dia thought was used. That information might be nice to have in 
the status bar.

In addition, it seems that the page count isn't always updated when 
turning the display of a layer on/off.

That appears to be a bug.  Seems like changing the visibility of layers
should force a recompute but doesn't.  If you try to make a layer
invisible, then change something in the diagram, you can see the update.
This is because changing visibility is not currently undoable, and thus
doesn't make the diagram modified.  I'm looking into this.

To sum it up, the resulting file is quite useful to stress test Dia.

Good thing to do on occasion.


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