Re: Win32 Dia install not workable

There was no previous dia version installed.

I believe all is now well. I uninstalled GTK+2.8 and installed GTK+ 2.6.* from your link. I changed the screen color quality from Medium (16 bit) to Highest (32 bit), changed the compatibility settings to basically be off. AND THE PROGRAM RAN FINE!

Thanks guys!

Libby Garner
Library and Information Services
109 Chalmers Library
Kenyon College
garnerl kenyon edu

Steffen Macke wrote:
Was a previous version of dia installed on that machine?

Are you running other programs that are using GTK+? (E.g. GIMP, GAIM)

compatibility mode "run in 256 colors"... but then the menus are white
on white and it seems to want to 'draw shapes' in black on burgundy/

Could you try to switch your display to 24bit or 32bit colors (16.8
Million colors)?

Some people also reported that using GTK+ 2.6.* helps if dia is crashing:



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