Object aligning

here is my wish for object aligning:

I often draw data flow diagrams, and I find it visually appealing for the objects to be aligned on a 
rectangular grid.  This is not by design, but by aesthetics (or lack of them).  For example, I will often 
align objects horizontally or vertically so they are on the same horizontal or vertical line.  I then use the 
zig-zag line to connect them.  In the end, the objects end up as if they were aligned with grid points.  Note 
that not all grid points are occupied

I would therefore find it useful if 

1) the object snap would not only work for the eight snap points along the edges, but for the object center 
as well.
2) if we could create a background grid of non-uniform (horizontal and vertical) spacing, and the objects 
snapping to the grid points.

Gimp has something like that (I used it once, and don't recall the name, as I don't use it too ofter), where 
one can "drag out" vertical and horizontal guide-lines from the border onto the canvas, and then align 
objects with them.



-----Original Message-----
From: dia-list-bounces gnome org [mailto:dia-list-bounces gnome org]On Behalf Of dia-list-request gnome org
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 12:00 PM
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Dia-list Digest, Vol 25, Issue 23

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: type1 font problem (Lars Clausen)
   2. Fwd: False Positive in Dia Installer (Steffen Macke)
   3. Dia, JPG/PNG export (Pablo Sebasti?n Colombo)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 22:09:04 +0200
From: Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk>
Subject: Re: type1 font problem
To: vwf <vwf vulkor net>,       discussions about usage and development of
        dia <dia-list gnome org>
Message-ID: <1148414944 6984 1 camel linux site>
Content-Type: text/plain

On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 20:59 +0200, vwf wrote:

I would like to make a diagram in .eps format with my own Adobe 
type1-font. This works when I choose pango-fonts, but goes wrong 
with postscript latin-1 fonts. In the last case, the resulting 
image has courier fonts. 

The image will be embedded in a LaTeX document, and I want the text
in my diagram to have the same font as the text of my document. 
Is this possible?

For that, you might want to use one of the TeX-oriented output methods.
such as MetaPost, PSTricks or PGF.  The latin-1 output only allows a
very small selection of fonts (essentially the built-in ones).



Message: 2
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 14:56:40 +0200
From: "Steffen Macke" <sdteffen gmail com>
Subject: Fwd: False Positive in Dia Installer
To: "discussions about usage and development of dia"
        <dia-list gnome org>
        <3cb1691c0605240556y5ef7a137g96d130fb4f953135 mail gmail com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hello All,

Here is the reply from Avast regarding the false alarm
in the Dia for Windows 0.95 installer:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vladimir Cernik <cernik asw cz>
Date: May 24, 2006 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: False Positive in Dia Installer
To: Steffen Macke <sdteffen gmail com>

this false alarm was repaired by VPS update 0621-2
Regards Cernik


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 12:13:12 -0300
From: Pablo Sebasti?n Colombo <pabloc inmobal-nutrer com ar>
Subject: Dia, JPG/PNG export
To: dia-list gnome org
Message-ID: <44747808 9040408 inmobal-nutrer com ar>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hello everybody. I'm new at this list and I'd like to contribute to the 
open source project with tests, comments and anything else...

I have a problem when I try to export a Dia draw to jpg or png formats. 
The exported draws seems to have graphic compression (of jpg or png) 
that i can't modify. is that right?

I can't figure out this because i print the Dia draw from the Dia 
application and from Gimp using the exported draw.

is the explanation clear? i hope so.

ok people! is cool to participate! thanks to everybody who works in this 
great project!!

best regards!



Dia-list mailing list
Dia-list gnome org

End of Dia-list Digest, Vol 25, Issue 23

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