Re: resizing objects to the same size

Hi Lennaert,
Under "Edit" there is a "Duplicate" function for creating another object exactly the same size as the selected one. Is that what you wanted?
On 27/06/2006, at 10:26 PM, Linden, Lennaert van der wrote: 
First of all thanks for such a nice tool. I am having trouble setting objects to an equal size. There are options for aligning objects, but I can't find a function for setting the object to the same size.
I have skimmed through the list archives of 2006 and the Dia tutorial, but couldn't find an answer. The search engine in the archives page shows an error message:
Not Found
The requested URL /mailman/search was not found on this server.
Is this functionality available in Dia or can resizing only be done manually?

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