Re: Creating new shapes: Possible Bug? Or my fault?

On 05.01.2006 16:23, Reed Hedges wrote:


I've created some new shapes, and added them to a new sheet. But when I use them in a diagram, Some of the components of the shapes seem to be conected to a corner of the shape by extra lines.

Can't reproduce wtih my build from current CVS. But is somewhat smells
like an old GLib bug :

You dont happen to use a GLib 2.4.x from the spring 2004?

One possible clue is that some of my simpler shapes don't exhibit this problem. One difference observed is: in making the more complicated shapes, I duplicated objects like boxes and circles, while my simpler shapes without the problem are just a couple of polygons or polylines without any duplicates? I haven't specifically tested this hypothesis, merely observed it.

Though the complexity of the shape may have an influence I expect
something different. Maybe something "text in shape" releated. (already fixed
in cvs but cause it had to do with memory corruption it may have
caused strange other things)

BTW: you are using the current official release 0.94, do you?


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
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