Re: Graphical question

On 27.02.2006 20:44, Jim Clark wrote:
In the charts I am making that I mentioned previously (and 0.95 still has funky Windows font issues) ?

I have decided to color code my boxes, based upon who performs the task listed. This will work well, with one exception. I have a series of boxes about things that are done in conjunction with the customer. The system admin (blue box) performs the task, the customer (red box) works with the sys admin. I wonder if there is some way to have (for instance) diagonal colored stripes going through the box,rather than a monochromatic background, showing that this box is a team effort.

No way yet. The only fill style supported is FILLSTYLE_SOLID and almost
any plug-in:set_fillstyle message_error(s) on it ...

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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