Re: New shapes are wrong zoom

On 11.02.2006 13:53, Paul Kroculick wrote:
I ran my test again using an icon that I didn't
create, and the icon appeared at 11x the size that was
in the shape file.  Also, the elem height and width
was different between the two icons.

1. From my experiments, it looks like the dragged
icons are not appearing with a fixed magnification
level (i.e. not always 6x, or 11x, etc).

2. From my experiments, it looks like the dragged
icons are not appearing with a fixed elem height and
width (i.e. the shape is resized to be 1x1).

There is some more logic involved than only the default
size, which is 2x2. But that's intended behavior
rather than "wrong zoom".

I don't want my users to have to resize.  I want the
dragged shape to be the same size as in the shape
file.  Does anyone know how I can do this?

Currently there is no concept of fixed size custom shapes
that I know of.
The code in question is in objects/custom/custom_object.c
custom_create(). It may be possible to introduce the concept
of preserving size for some elements to fit your needs
without breaking a lot of already existing shapes (use cases).

I would start looking into*checkout*/dia/doc/custom-shapes?rev=1.7

Maybe what you want can be done by aspectratio="range" which apparently
isn't used by any of the included shapes yet. So beware there could
be bugs in the implementation ...


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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