Re: PropDescription & extradata

Le mardi 22 aoÃt 2006 Ã 17:48 +0200, Lars Clausen a Ãcrit :
On Tue, 2006-08-22 at 17:20 +0200, lidiriel wrote:

in the PropDescription structure can i put a gpointer as extradata ?
exemple :
    GList *foo;

and in the table :
static PropDescription bar[] = {
list"), NULL, foo},

and the foo pointer will be modify in the update_object function.

And how i made this ?? because the now i have an error "initializer
element is not constant"
Have you any idea ?

The initialization of bar is static, and so all its values must be
static, but foo is not initialized statically.  You could go in in the
class init section and replace the extradata value.

Ok but if i write all data static : foo, bar i have already the error
initializer is not constant
In fact i don't make to pass a GList pointer in the PropDescription ! It
is possible to make it ?


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