[Programming objects] I did something which "dia_font_get_style" doesn't like !

The instruction :
g_assert(PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT <= pango_weight && pango_weight <= PANGO_WEIGHT_HEAVY); 
in the file dia/lib/font.c line 346 makes Dia crash when I put my own object, and then try to create an other object using Text. I always have the error EXCEPT if I erased the dia default file juste before ! Does somebody knows what happen ?

I know this is not a bug, I think I just badly used something like a pointer on a TextAttribute. I am working on the Win32 Dia 0.94 cvs version.

The instruction which make Dia crash is in the function :
dia_font_get_style(const DiaFont* font)
  guint style;

  static int weight_map[] = {
    DIA_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL, /* intentionaly ==0 */
    DIA_FONT_MEDIUM, DIA_FONT_DEMIBOLD, /* not yet in Pango */

  PangoStyle pango_style = pango_font_description_get_style(font->pfd);
  PangoWeight pango_weight = pango_font_description_get_weight(font->pfd);

  g_assert(PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT <= pango_weight && pango_weight <= PANGO_WEIGHT_HEAVY); 
  g_assert(PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT == 200);
  g_assert(PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL == 400);
  g_assert(PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD == 700);

  style  = weight_map[(pango_weight - PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT) / 100];
  style |= (pango_style << 2);

  return style;

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