Re: Shape crashes Dia

On 21.10.2005 22:41, Nick Moore wrote:
I am trying to add a set of shapes to Dia, namely the Gane and Sarson shapes. I've added two easily enough, but the third one is giving me hassle.

Dia always crashes when I run this shape file. Could you have a look at it? Is it my XML? Is it too complex to be run in Dia? I've tried breaking it down, but it didn't seem to help. I've included a png to show what the object should look like.

The error message given:

** ERROR **: file boundingbox.c: line 230: aasertion failed(pts[0].type == BEZ_MOVE_TO)

has the right hint when compared to your SVG's second path:

<svg:path d="V 0,7 H 8,7 V 8,3 z" style="fill: default"/>

Looking at the SVG specification:

'A path data segment must begin with a "moveto" command.'

Yes, your XML is wrong. Sure Dia could complain better, i.e. give a little more explicit
hint and not just exit.

I'm sorry if I've submitted this to the wrong place. I could add it to Bugzilla, but I felt that it was probably me at fault rather than Dia itself.

Adding this to bugzilla wouldn't hurt in any case. That way you would
increase the probability of having a better error handling in an
upcoming version.

Any help would be welcome, I'm trying to prove to my friends that my project can be done on Linux (SuSE 10.0, if it's important).

Dia is running on win32 as well, if that matters :-)


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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