[Programmed Object] Integrate my own Dialog Window in a callback function from right-clic menu

Good afternoon (or evening, or anything else) !

I have developped an object on which users can add on borders "Connection Boxes" which look like a named rectangle with a ConnectionPoint. I managed to do this easily : when the user right-clic on my object, if the point clicked is near the border then there is an option "add connection" (I found objects with this kind of stuff). The name of the connection box is generated at the creation using the name of my object and the number of connection boxes (for example : "myObject_1").

This is great but I must allow the user to set this name after the creation. As there can be many Connection Boxes on my object, I can not do this with the properties dialog window !

The user must select my object and right click on a Connection Box, then there would be in the menu an activated item "Rename ConnectionBox" (in case he clicked well of course) which would create a window where the user could fill the name.

For the moment, I think I must create and define a GtkWidget in the callback function. But in the first hand I wonder if there are somethings like this already exists in Dia (I searched the code corresponding to the properties dialog window with no result), and in the other hand I want to ask if there could be a kinf of "Gtk Conflict problem" if I try to create a pop-up widget by myself...

Thanks for help.

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