Re: ASCII DIA format ?

On Wed, 2005-10-19 at 23:38 +0200, dominique saussereau wrote:
I'd like to ask you a documentation about the DIA
format. (the uncompressed ASCII version)
I just want to program a GNU software like "DIA2CODE",
but for Flowchart.
You can consider it as a way to convert Flochart Dia
file into C or into other imperative programing

The so-called "ASCII" version is XML, and it's precise definition is in
doc/diagram.dtd in the source (well, precise up to the point of it not
having the definitions of the shapes in there, but that doesn't sound
like what you need.  If you're not used to XML, I strongly suggest you
base your code off of existing tools such as Dia2Code.


Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk>

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