Re: Icons

Alan Horkan sagde:

About the narrow toolbox:
In the long term I see Dia inevitably making use of the same kind of Dock
as the GIMP, although that may be delayed until the widget can be reused
cleanly rather than copying a load of code (but maybe that is already
possible).  I see the components in the toolbox becoming dockable
palettes, and I see myself docking the sheets to the Layers dialog on one
side of my screen and keeping the toolbox on the other.

I would love to be able to reuse the docking thing.  I've started using
KimDaBa and really like how the docking works there, even better than

I was wondering are you switching the icons only or will there also be the
theming infrastructure needed for Dia to match whatever the gimp sets as
icons for Zoom, Text, Pan (have some vague idea this has something to do
with registering them as being GIMP_STOCK icons but I really dont know how
it works.)

Just switching, I'm trying in my limited spare time to work towards a new
release, and doing theming infrastructure would delay that even more.


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