quick question about RDBMS schema

Hi folks,

I'm sure this has probably been asked on the list a dozen times, but I
haven't been able to find info on it w/google so I'm asking (I just
joined the list).

I want to use dia to create rdbms schemas (table entity-relationship
diagrams). Is there currently development to add appropriate
shapes/types to do this w/dia? Do people currently just use UML class
boxes to map this stuff out?

If this isn't currently being developed, I might try to look @ the
docs for making new shapes to add the functionality, but I imagine
it's more complicated than just adding simple shapes because one would
want text with the table names, PK's, FK's, similarly to the way it's
set for UML class diagrams.

thanks for any info you can give me. A referral to specific
documentation would be great if the documentation exists.


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