Re: Feedback wanted: Autogap and mainpoints

Lars Clausen schrieb:
1. With autograb, make moving the whole line not do autograb.  Only when
the end of the line is moved is there autograb.

2. With autograb, make lines with all ends entirely contained within an
object not do autograb on that object.

3. With autograb, if moving from a connection point on an object to
somewhere else within that object, it doesn't autograb.
not mkay, what about reflexive connections (from object to itself) or reconnecting (from left side to right side or top/bottom)?

4. Have a toggle button like the grid button that switches between
autograb and mainpoint behaviour (can be combined with the other two).
mkay too

5. Have mainpoint/autograb be toggleable on an object-by-object basis
(can also be combined with the first two, makes less sense with toggle
not necessary, too much clicking and another property to watch for (also to save)

I think the direction, from where I entered is important, to determine the connection point, but I think you already thought 'bout that.

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