Are contribs welcome?

Hi to all,

I'm playing around DIA and its python plugin.
I noticed that some properties was read-only
(like operations/attributes in UMLClass) so I wanted
to try to hack this (after a try into the latest


Now I find another problem.
My Python program:
- makes a new diagram
- add some UML objects and relations 
  (got by collecting data from other diagrams)
- do the layout (using graphviz), but:
  ...moving objects around the display
  do not refresh relations.

The only thing that makes relations to be visible is
selecting (with the mouse) all the objects and move,
then relations are updated and become visible.

I guess there is no way to work-around from Python.
Any idea?

For info: I'm working on a small-small CASE for my own
(it's not a "real" project, but a personal experimentation).

I don't know "how things go" inside a project like DIA,
but if someone is interested on the patch that implements
the python-to-C attributes and operations I will be honored
to share the code.

Best regards.
Paolo Bernardi

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