Re: Text associated to BezierLines


Thanks for the tip. I tried out the "generalization, class inheritance" object in UML, and it seems to do about what I want it to -- except it sure would be nice if the BezierLine had text. There's nothing quite like bending and curving the line where you want it to go.

kilo wrote:

Hi Tim

why don't you use UML's Association for that purpose?

- it is a line
- it has a name attribute
- it has role attributes for both ends
- it has multiplicity attributes for both ends

Lots of properties to use imho.

Gabor Kmetyko

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 08:43:28 -0600
Tim Egbert <Crikmad comcast net> wrote:

I'm wanting to use Dia for creating event-driven state diagrams and
use the resulting XML to generate code.  I find the UML class object
to be good for describing states, but I need to have the connecting BezierLines have text associated with them in order to represent event
paths.  The properties box for BezierLines do not have a field for
text, nor is text associated with the lines on the diagram.

Does anyone know of a more appropriate line object that will provide associated text? If not, are there any plans to add text to line properties? How hard would that be to do?

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