On Shapes and SVG

I've been trying to figure out where and how SVG is supported in dia.
The problem I would like to address is that currently many exported
shapes do not import because the Arc path is written when you export
a shape file but not properly read when a shape file is read.  Looking
through the archives I notice several people mentioning doing work on
SVG, but I haven't seen many entries in the changelog for SVG.

Is there anyone doing any ongoing work on SVG?  If not could someone
give me a quick rundown of where I might need to look to support
the 'A' in paths (since that seems to be what is used for writing), or
better yet a quick explanation of how SVG currently works and what is

Also, when creating custom shapes I often find myself spending a lot
of time removing connection points.  I've found myself creating a dia
file with a shape.  Exporting it as a shape and then having to edit
the .shape file to remove connection points.  Has any thought gone into
the ability to remove connections points from objects?

Thanks for the info,


Anthony Molinaro                                 <anthonym overture com>

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