Re: Virus Warnings? [Re: Mail Delivery System (DANGER: Potential virus content!)]

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Horkan" <horkana maths tcd ie>
To: <dia-list gnome org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:03 PM
Subject: Virus Warnings? [Re: Mail Delivery System (DANGER: Potential virus

If the list owners would like to ban HTML email...
Personally, I always use plain-text (WYGIWYS, What You Get Is What You See,
nothing more :-) and invite everybody to do this way.

and automatically bounce
any mails with the MIME content-type:application/x-ms-download or even
better ban any email sent using Microsoft Outlook* I certainly wouldn't
Actually, the virus attachment had Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Viruses are usually sent with bulk mailers or directly by virus code, not by
Instead, the problem with Outlook (and Windows in general) is that it can
easily get viruses from incoming mail if not properly configured. I
recommend setting mail in the restricted area and forbid execution of
ActiveX controls and I-frame objects.
Most important, change the Windows setting to display file extensions, so
you know what you are opening. Many viruses come with double extensions like
".doc.exe"; if you hide the .exe you may think it's a .doc (btw, the
attachment was called "body" with a notebook-like icon, to invite people to
open it as if it was the missing message body).

Any .exe .com and most .zip files are viruses, no one should be emailing
.exe files.  I usually urge people to send me a link rather than large

Not at all! I often need to send .exe files and usually send zipped
attachment to preserve space and file integrity. Conversely, I got several
spam messages with links to pages which tried to download viruses.
Here is a simple rule: always mention and describe shortly any intended
attachment in your messages.



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