Re: Some issues

        Happy new year to the list.

        I tried the cvs for dia, to see the effect of the fix
output changes.  Unfortunately, it seems to still have problems :-(

        I'm using xfig 3.2, I've attach the dia input, the mpost output (which
is good, except the size of the fonts do not match those in dia), and
the xfig output of pdftex.

        The problems with the fig export include:

        1. error messages on the file when invoking xfig
        2. missing arrow lines
        3. quoted text (I'm not sure how) but does not invoke
           math mode when using pdflatex.


On Wed, 2003-12-31 at 11:39, Lars Clausen wrote:
On 17 Dec 2003, Chris Sperandio wrote:
On Sat, 2003-12-13 at 10:29, Jon A. Solworth wrote:
On Sat, 2003-12-13 at 09:06, Lars Clausen wrote:

As for XFig, if you send me a diagram that is improperly exported, I
shall certainly take a look, it's one of my darlings:)


Here it is.  If it gets mangled, let me know.


I'm working on the color text metapost patch.  

Jon, as far as the text in your messages go, what are your intentions
for strings with underscores and braces?  It seems that there was a
routine to escape these in the pstricks filter, but it has been
disabled.  I agree with the comment there that TeX users will do what
they intend.  So are these to be typeset as math or should they be as \_
and \{ \}?  Unfortunately, it seems that even \{ \} won't do it.  I had
to specifically set these to $\{$ $\}$.

At any rate, here is the patch and two new versions of your dia file I
test it against.

Thanks, I have applied the patch.  If you can figure out the font thing,
that'd be great.

Jon A. Solworth                         
Computer Science Dept. (M/C 152)        url:
University of Illinois at Chicago       telephone: (312) 996-0955
851 S. Morgan Rm 1120 SEO               FAX:       (312) 413-0024
Chicago, IL 60607-7053

Attachment: needhamSchroeder2.dia
Description: application/dia-diagram

Attachment: needhamSchroeder2.fig
Description: image/xfig

Attachment: needhamSchroeder2-1.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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