Re: editor for shapes ?

For shapes without text fields, or with just one text field, Dia is quite good to help creating 
new shapes: 
1) Use Dia to draw yor future shape. 
2) Export yor work choosing extension 'shape'; 
   you will get 2 files, one with the extension .shape , the other one with extension .png; 
  for the last one you will be asked to choose its size: just accept dia's proposal (some times 
one does not see the small menu with yhe question, but it has to be answered....). 
3) Use a text editor, if necessary, to modify the .shape file: 
    - Usualy, the file includes many conection points; but you may want more or less of them 
    - Add a textbox ... if you want a field text. 
    - Change, if necessary,  aspect ratio ... and resize ....  
    - Change if necessary, the shape name. 
4) Use Sheets and Objects to incorporate your new shape to a sheet. 
    (perhaps you also want to create a new sheet, and this can also be done with the Sheets               
and Objects  menu.   
I remember my work creating 'by hand' some shapes (with icons for them), and sheets and I 
really think  Dia's help is quite important. 
A Perl script could be prepared to  help to automatize the edition. 
On Thu, 02 Dec 2004 17:50:39 +0100, Alexander wrote 
xavier schrieb: 

i'd like, maybe like many others, 
add new shapes to dia, especially for network diagrams. 
mkay, shapes are good, kids, mkay 

the only way to create shapes is by hand. 

or by using a vector based drawing program which is able to save  
images as svg. As far as I know *g*, Open Office Draw does.  
Connection Points must be set by hand, should be the esier part ;-) 
 Maybe with a little experience in using dia and it's svg writer it  
could also be possible to draw new elements in dia. 
Be creative, just little tapping, don't overdo it ;-) 
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