Re: Patch to custom object: object-specific properties (preliminary)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cyrille Chepelov"
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 5:38 PM
Le Mon, Nov 17, 2003, Ã 04:15:19PM +0100, Marco Contenti a Ãcrit:

A little worry about your patch: at one point, you are making a switch
based on the type of the property, and then making assumptions about
sizeof(property data). This has the big inconvenient to me of
the coupling between the Custom object and the StdProp library. Would
be possible to factor this into StdProp itself instead?
I would be glad to use a function telling me the size of property data
the type, if there is one. I'm sorry I am no Dia expert. I didn't even
that Dia existed until three weeks ago, so I chose to limit the damage I
do to the Custom object plug-in only, not involoving libdia.

I think that you are right that this function may not exist right now;
but it belongs to there.
Yes, I agree. I didn't yet find a satisfactory solution though. I'm thinking
of doing this through macros in properties.h, not to force recompiling
libdia. Do you think this is acceptable?

- "composite" is just an XML tag and has nothing to do with StdProp, am

Mmmm. I'm not sure I understand what you mean here.
Basically, I mean there is no way to group some <dia:attribute>'s under a
<composite> tag just by defining a suitable property table. This tag seems
to be used only for complex types like "text" already defined in StdProp.

Btw: I also found a couple of bugs and am going to pack everything into next
(less preliminary) release.



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