Re: Dia for win32 and python?

On Thu, May 15, 2003 at 08:14:24PM +0200, Hans Breuer wrote:
with mixed runtimes and second it is probably not
ready for general use (no documentation beside the C-source
and examples).

Well, the reason I don't use PyDia is partly lack of
documentation, partly the non-existance of a win32 version.

I for myself need to constantly fix some C code with almost
any new PyDia plug-in I write ...

Understood.  Do you think it is or will be possible to write
new dia objects in Python?  I have written some objects in
C, but I'm not so happy with the code, because it's only 10%
ready, but took already too much time.  Python would be much
better!  If this is not yet possible, which functions must
be exported to Python?


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