Re: subscripts/superscripts and symbols

On Mon, 2003-06-09 at 09:16, Lars Clausen wrote:

Unless things have changed text is a whole object and you can't paste
individual characters from other apps into the text. One method that
might work if dia was made to use a feature like Ctrl-V in vi to insert
special characters that are in the extended ascii set. My method of
inserting them via an editor doesn't change the font type but uses the
ascii characters above 127. Using a Ctrl-V like feature and inserting the
numerical ascii code would be a simple way to address this.

Try selecting a text object, then select Edit->Paste Text.  That should
paste outside txt into the object.

This method works pretty well. However it appears that the pasted text
does not become part of the new object. Specifically, if I choose Text
and click on my sheet, I get the green box indicating where it starts.
Then I paste some chars from the charmap and then when I go to move the
green box - the box meves but the pasted text stays constant. Anyway,
for my purposes it works fine - but I was wondering whether this would
be possible:

Would it be possible to implement some form of parser so that symbols
could be represented as tags (something like LaTeX's \alpha, \beta etc).
Thus entering text and then pressing enter would cause the parser to
generate the proper code for the required symbol and then represent it

Rajarshi Guha <rajarshi presidency com> <>
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