Re: [Fwd: [preview-latex-devel] dvipng-0.1 released]

I would expect the LaTeX object to store what expression to render, with
the output renderer responsible for producing the correct format.  If
I'm interested in producing a bitmap, what could I do with the EPS?  Of
course I could do it via gs after producing an EPS from Dia, but this
feels less than ideal to me.  

Somebody was suggesting the dvipng author to use FreeType for rendering,
which means nothing to me, but may be of some usefulness to somebody

I'll have to check Pyx; thanks for the link.

On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 11:06, Alejandro Aguilar Sierra wrote:
IMHO this option (using EPS) is better since a raster image would loose
quality with rescaling. BTW PyX does a very good job including La/TeX in


On 20 Jul 2003, Chris Sperandio wrote:
Sorry if this is in bad form, but I don't know if others are following

This might be useful for direct (La)TeX rendering in Dia, although it
introduces a new dependency.

I was planning to use the EPS output feature of DVIPS plus some way of
reading EPS (which would be useful in any case).  dvipng may be an
optional method to improve speed.  Anyway, the (La)TeX object is
currently not undergoing development, as I have enough to do with just
applying patches (and even there I'm behind).


Lars Clausen (| HÃ¥rdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I
|---------------------------- will defend to the death your right to say
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