Re: A matter of principle [Re: HIGification of dialog boxes]

Hmmm. Yes, it's clear to me now that Apply != Try.
      Apply = OK but don't close
      Try = let's see *temporarily* what this does, but if I click cancel,
              that cancels.
This discussion is starting to be really interesting. How about a really
heterodox solution: not one, not two, not three, but four! buttons per
*now modal* property dialog:

      [Cancel] [Revert] [Try] [OK]

That was tried in several Gnome 1.4 applictions and it seems to have gone
away, from which I would infer that it was a bad idea.

Yep. By for instance, allowing these to go on the undo stack as well ? -<:o)
(and then someone brings a "undo stack picker dialog" so that one

"Undo History" is what the GIMP and some other applications have, it can
be quite useful.

- Alan

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