Re: Dynamic Programming in SVG

On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Praveen Kumar wrote:
Dear sir, I use DIA for creating UML diagrams.We are working on project
     in which we create UML diagram through SVG.We made a static class
     diagram through svg but unable to create dynamic programming.Our aim
     is first to inputs class name,
     attributes,methods,relationship....,after that the program represent
     the UML diagram for class for given inputs.Please give me some hint
     or any example .Thank you.

First, take a good look at Dia2Code, at
It seems that'd be the thing you're looking for.  If you don't want to use
that and want to roll your own, avoid the SVG format.  It's just a bunch of
lines and text.  Instead, work on the XML format, which is much more


Lars Clausen (| HÃrdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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