Re: StdProp inheritance?

I've been workin on that a bit too. I think it would be nice if those
properties (and UML actions,...) can define their own PROP list as well,
so that their data members can be saved (undone etc) automatically too.
I was thinking such a property (action,...) could be of type SubObject,
and the list prop would handle SubObjects. It would also (recusively?)
call the save (copy,...) functions of the SubObject. I wouldn't subclass
SubObject from Object, though.(maybe a diffent name would cause less
confusion? any sugestions?)
The list prop would also generate a widget like what you see in the UML
class: some container widget, containing a list of actions, buttons for
NEW, DELETE, MOVE UP, MOVE DOWN, and down below would be recursively
generated widgets (generated from the proplist of the SubObject).
The name I'd use for the property would be SubObjProperty (other
suggestions are welcome too)

I could send you some of the code that I've got, but it's not useful for
anything yet.

Andy, if you've  got anything coded, I'd like to see it, even before it is
usefull, just to get an idea of where we're going with this feature.


On Mon, 21 Apr 2003 ashalper cox net wrote:
I'm about to try coding the fancier list prop for the IDEF1X entity properties, UML class properties, et 
al.  What should I call it?  Also, can anyone recommend some good examples of StdProp inheritance in the 
Dia source?  In addition to extending the list property, I have some objects in IDEF1X that I think would 
benefit from structuring as an inheritance relationship.


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