Re: Dia ChangeLog report for Wed Apr 9 07:23:01 2003 (UTC)

Ben Hetland writes:
Hmmm... I don't know why MSVC doesn't have that function, as Microsoft
claims to be completely POSIX-compliant with all their NT-family of
operating systems, 

Didn't they drop the POSIX subsystem in XP and newer?

and 'mkdir()' I think is part of that standard.

The POSIX compliance is in the POSIX subsystem. What is of concern
here is the MSVCRT runtime library in the Win32 subsystem.

The POSIX subsystem is mostly useless, it certainly would not make any
sense at all to port GTK to it (no GDI, for instance, and no
networking, hard to use X11 either...), not to mention GTK-using


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