Re: programming new objects

Le Mon, Apr 07, 2003, à 11:45:25AM +0200, Philippe Faes a écrit:

Problem is I have a low-bandwidth internet connection and I prefer not to
upgrade my libraries for now.
Still, I might concider...

It might be cheaper for you to go in a magazine store, and buy one with a
recent sources CDs; in my $LOCALE, complete Debian distributions including
the source tarballs can be had for <10 euros. Then, you'd compile these
sources into an alternate prefix in order to not mess up your current

The main point of 0.90 -> 0.91 was a complete conversion to gtk 2.0; there
were also quite a few changes in numerous internal interfaces.
What you may find worthwhile, would be to go on, and review
the changes from 0.90 to 0.91 in a couple of objects, and decide for
yourself if you prefer to upgrade now or clean & upgrade later (this said,
the integration policy has been of "must patch clean inside the CVS
version") lately.

When you talk about clean-up work: is that between 0.90 and 0.91 or
between 0.91 and future releases?

I can't speak for the future; we'd like to keep the API as stable as
possible (the ABI would be a nice bonus), but in the recent past, it always
had to change somehow from one version to another.

        -- Cyrille


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