Re: Status report for Building Debian/Mingw packages for DIA

Le Mon, Sep 09, 2002, à 12:18:21AM -0700, James Michael DuPont a écrit:


I have forwarded you personally the mail from the FSF and cced them. If
you want to forward that to the list feel free. 

I'm investigating this. Thanks for having sent that. I would have
appreciated A LOT that you tried to resolve the issue in private before
lobbing GPL violations, allegations and menaces against us. I'm getting
*extremely* tired of this behaviour of yours.

Now, you ask me to "stop fighting". Let me tell you what (yes, in public).

You are a repeat offender of going, showing some face goodwill, calling for
peace, then going back and e-stabbing people, be it in public or in
private. I count at least three or four times you apologised, asked for
peace, and came back a while later with another blow to deliver.

(for instance, mailing to gpl-violations fsf org (or whatever the exact
spelling) without giving a copy to the alleged violators, is totally rude in
my book. ESPECIALLY since the alleged violators have repeatedly stated that
they never withheld anything by malice, but more by oversight, and
repeatedly asked you for help if you had specific things to ask for).

You just finished to kill any remaining goodwill towards you I might have
had. I'm not going to cooperate with you more than legally required.
In particular, I don't give a shit about your Windows port, unless Hans says
you are the legitimate Win32 maintainer *and* the community agrees. And I
don't want to blackmail anyone, but if the dia community says you are the
maintainer, then so be it.

Remember, one of the primary motivations behind FS/OS is the Fun factor. And
struggling with someone of such behaviour as yours is really no fun.

Let me restate things once, for the last time:

        * Keep stuff on topic. Send status reports about libiconv on the
libiconv mailing list. Send status reports about Win32 dpkg-cross
compilation on the Win32 dpkg-cross compilation. Send status reports about
libgtk on Win32 on the libgtk on Win32 list (try to not manage to get that
port distribution down). Send stuff which is dia specific on the dia list
(but only that).
        * Don't aggress people. Once aggressed a couple times, people tend to
have a prejudice against their aggressor.
        * Hans said he wouldn't help you more than he did. I just stated the
same. Don't ask for help here, you're not going to get some.
        * Some moderate amount of natural ultra-violet light is not bad at
all to restore the levels of various bodily substance related to good social

In fact, the GPL gives you some liberties, which have been exercised in the
case of even high-profile projects like EMACS. Feel free to exercise them!
(but don't post annoying and irrelevant status reports here).

        -- Cyrille


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