Re: Noob testing on Win32....

I'm afraid I use Gentoo (Not Debian) and I don't use X.
you dont need x to help test compile, that is the great thing.
It could even be automated.
Except I'm going to be missing stacks of libs.... no?


Sorry, that is wrong.

Ahh, can you try installing the debian source packages under
there must be way to convert, I will look into that.
Havn't a clue. I think their quite different, Gentoo uses BSD style
called ebuilds rather than packages. Maybe I can install the debian

i thought it was called 'portage' but anyway

I am working on portage right now,
/sys-apps/portage is the directory with the sources in the gentoo.
Maybe I can get it running under debian.

If you could find where it breaks and help to figure out what changes
would be need to be made to the makefiles to get it to compile on

Sorry. Is there any straight up Win32 testing I can help with?
Maybe you can alien out the exes and libs for testing?

Alien is a program for converting between package formats (and as
extracting binaries from non native packages).  Google for Alien and
or package should turn up something, the homepage for Alien might be
sourceforge but i forget and i dont have time to check right now.

I empathise with your situation.

Providing binaries makes testing easier for everyone, i almost never
compile anything.  Other projects keep the version in CVS so that
it can always be easily built and some have regular automated
builds every day.  It is all about lowering the barrier to entry
and making it as easy as possible for those who are willing to help
to get involved.  It is hard to convince developers that the work
to build infrastructure and community is worth it in the longer run,
frankly it is not as interesting work.

Well I am putting in this work. 
The job of a porter is to make the port reproducable,
not just to produce binaries. The source code produced by a porter are
the shell commands that are needed to compile. This needs to be
distributed and documented. 

The issue here is setting up an entire new system for gentoo.
I will look into that.

I really have no choice but to practice what i preach and get off my
and start compiling Dia myself.

If you have a debian box, it is not very easy.

I am always happy to pass on my limited knowledge and welcome anyone
is willing to help.

I hope that you might help test the new ports as they come along.


James Michael DuPont

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