Waiting for a call, xeyes, and vector fields

MODERATOR:  Files are now compressed.  Destroy original post.


(yet more) changes to the line.c code.  Now, fractional gaps and normal
gaps can be combined to produce some pretty rude effects.  Apply the
patch to dia-0.9, and then move the telephone around.  If you're like me
and you like xeyes and vector fields, then this is for you!  This is
experimental code.  I am open to suggestions.

Here's a patch based on dia-0.9.  Patch the file:
objects/standard/line.c.  GPL license applies to this patch, like
usual.  CVS inclusion may follow--working out details with maintainers
about whether this code should be in the standard line or should be a
separate object.


  Set absolute_start/end_gap to positive reals (try 1.0, for instance)
  to create gaps on line end/start.  These gaps are of fixed length.

  Set fractional_start/end_gap to reals between 0 and 0.5 length to
  have a gap that is a fraction of line length.  Other values are
  possible, as well.

  If a gap are negative, the line extends past the handle, instead of
  leaving a gap.  Very interesting effects may be obtained by choosing
  exotic gap values, and combining absolute and fractional gaps.

  Gaps as implemented for now do not use any object intersection code.
  It would be nice to have gap code that combined a fixed gap length
  which could be optionally added to the object intersection gap.


Attachment: dia-0.9_fullgap_diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: xeyes.dia.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: xeyes2.eps.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: xeyes1.eps.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: xeyes3.eps.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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