Re: Right clicking (was (no subject))

On vendredi, nov 22, 2002, at 16:44 Europe/Paris, Nelson, Chris (IndSys, GEFanuc, Albany) wrote:

(Answering my own messages is getting to be a habit.)

I found that if the menu bar is displayed, off-clicking the diagram does
nothing.  If the menu bar isn't displayed in the diagram window,
off-clicking open space in the diagram displays a context menu with the same items as the menu bar would have. This seems strange and confusing but at
least now I know I'm not missing something.

As the author of the menu bar thingie, I thought that having the right button bringing up the menus that are in the menu bar is a bit confusing. So the contextual menu is, in the case, triggered by right button instead of by the middle button / wheel click. Just because in any other environment I know, contextual menus are triggered by right button. That is a feature, not a bug.

(as a leftie, please swap right and left when I talk about buttons)

Hubert Figuière -
Cell-phone: +33 6 18 01 42 11 - iChat/AIM: hfiguiere
"Linux is like my wife, it's very hard to understand but it is very
nice once you get under the hood."

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