Re: Dia & Schemas/DTDs

On 2002.11.06 22:40 James K. Lowden wrote:
On 06 Nov 2002 12:26:43 -0600, Lars Clausen <lrclause cs uiuc edu> wrote:
On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Durk Strooisma wrote:

We noticed that Dia doens't make use of DTDs or XML Schemas (for
example to validate Dia XML documents). Even correct DTDs or XML
Schemas aren't provided, which would be handy to validate Dia XML
documents within XML authoring tools.

I don't know enough about DTDs and XML Schemas to judge whether this is
a useful thing.  We do have DTDs, but they're not used by Dia.

Durk makes a good point.  It would be useful, and it wouldn't be easy for
an outsider to contribute.  Forgive me if I'm belaboring the obvious.  

If Dia relied on its DTD to validate a file prior to/while loading it,
then the DTD would be assured of being a good measure of a good Dia file.

Not that I know much about stylesheet validation either, but isn't it fairly computationally expensive, and 
thus typically only done as a "sanity check" apart from the application?

That would give non-Dia programs a benchmark for creating Dia files.  And
it would assist non-Dia programs in interpreting Dia files.  (BTW, do I

I agree that formalizing a stylesheet validation would probably be a good thing.  I have a hacky Perl script 
right now that writes a Dia file from a data dictionary, and stylesheet validation would help pinpoint errors 
in the Dia file caused by errors in my Perl code.


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